Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Virtual life

Today some incident made me think about my current life. For the past 4-5 years I am an important part of life for some people and more recently I got added to the life of many more people. But, the fact is that I rarely get to meet them.

For all of them I exist, as a person and they occasionally get to hear about me from different people. But, I am never ever in front of them. It has been ages since I have met them.

Even for my immediate family, I exist only on phone, Internet; in pics, web cam etc.

What next?
Will I always be away from my loved ones?

Bristol Revisited

This post was long overdue. The picture here shows Bristol city centre. Yes, I did visit Bristol again, after about a year.

I left Bristol in December, 2005 never to return. But, I always had this feeling that I will return soon and I returned. I returned as a completely changed person.

Well this trip was done over the Easter weekend, and I met all my old friends and revisited all the places I used to hang around. Even, got to visit my University.

Well, there is not much to say about the trip, except that I felt like home in Bristol. Also, I got to meet my old friends and all old memories were refreshed. It was a good trip, marking the start of some horrible weeks ahead.

Thursday, April 05, 2007


This is something my friend sent to me this morning.

When u really want something,
Sometimes u have to swim a little ....Deeper....
You can't give up just because things don't come easy....
You have to overcome the obstacles and face your fears....
But in the end, it's all worth while!!!!
Life is full of ups and downs,
But if u believe in urself...
U will always come through with flying colors.....
Value Friendship, Love and Faith...
Never underestimate urself.