Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Well said : Westernisation Vs Indian Values

Read this article

This article puts things in right prespective. This is something I have always tried to pass on to my friends; who are stuck somewhere between westernization and indian values.

It is true that times have changed and one needs to adapt, but the point as argued in the article is that - we should never forget our roots.

According to some people this is hypocrisy - double standards. But that is a very narrow scope to see this topic. Sticking to age old superstitions and working on cutting edge technology and calling ourselves liberal is hypocrisy. But, when we say stick to our values and adapt to changes outside; it does not mean hypocrisy. It simply means for example, we as Indians have good family values, have a spiritual bent of mind. These values should not be dropped off for the sake of liberalisation or modernization. However, these should be carried over to modern world as value/core of your functioning. This is what sets us apart from the rest of the world; if we leave them behind we have no identity of our own.

In the end it is your choice what you want to be.

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