Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Is Networking a Career Must or Overrated? Ten Monster Members' Stories -

Is Networking a Career Must or Overrated? Ten Monster Members' Stories -

Well this not much of text; you may want on networking for career enhancement, but still something is there. Networking is very important for career enhancement, but it cannot be sole means to climbing that corporate ladder.



Gautam Renjen said...

Nothing's a Must for anything... If you choose to rise, then climb corporate ladder like a spider spans his web. The spider climbs the web like a network, hopping from node to node, searching for his kill.

Take my advice.. Network hard, and you reap the benefits.

The thinking thinker said...

Very true networking helps, but it is not the sole means of going up. It is a combination of various many aspects.

However, networking is also very essential for the exposure your skills may need. I beleive for entry level positions etc you do not need much networking. However, once you start going up the corporate ladder - middle manager plus levels; that is where the better networked you are, better are the chances of you becoming MD or CEO ;-)