Friday, July 07, 2006

Ok here is answer to all you peeps were looking for...

I noticed that I am getting lots of hits on my blog for - people searching for:

- What is LPO?
- What is KPO?
- LPO and KPOs in Gurgaon.

LPO = Legal Process Outsourcing
KPO = Knowledge Process Outsourcing

I will try to explain whatever I can with my limited knowledge.
KPO are on the higher end of BPOs, we have had in previous decade and still mushrooming everywhere. In KPO you can expect do some knowledge intensive work like Business Research, Market Research, Patents, Contract Drafting etc.

LPOs are a narrower branch of KPO concentrating mostly on outsourced legal work from USA where litigation costs are very high due to higher lawyer salaries. LPOs are soon going to see lots of expansion as more and more canadian law firms are also aiming to outsource their work

I am not going to go into in-depth details. But, certainly this industry is sunshine industry and is expanding rapidly. You can expect to shine pretty soon in these companies; and salaries are good in LPOs/KPOs. In LPOs however, they have so called flat-organisation structure, with very little or no hierarchy levels. Few LPO/KPO in Gurgaon and NCR area worth mentioning are:

1. EValueServe
2. Intellevate
3. Greenfield
4. Inductis (I beleive it will fall under KPO with analysis and management consulting work they
are doing)

There are few more coming up very soon. The names I have mentioned are the few big wigs in this segment. Also, beware of some BPOs projecting themselves as KPOs and attracting talent. I will post some more as I have collected lots of information on this segment. Go through the blog for more posts I made on KPOs and LPOs.

Till then all the best looking for your next job in KPOs.

Thinking Thinker

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