Wednesday, December 13, 2006


We study about Egyptian Civilization, Mayas, Indus valley and many more. This makes me wonder:

What will our civilization will be called?

Are we one civiliaztion across the globe?

Are we multiple civilizations?

Will we be survived by future generations to be explored?

Can we be called a civilization? Are we civilized?

I am not worried about the first three questions. What makes me wonder is the 4th question. All the civilizations before us vanished. But, our civilization is the only one which has the potential to destroy the whole planet. And, we are doing that job pretty well.

If we consider all the world as one civilization then, we will be the most advanced and the largest civilization on earth, ever. But, will we be remembered, explored etc. Will there be people to explore us, afte we vanish?

Or more interesting, if we manage to ruin and destroy our planet and before that we colonise other planets in the solar system. What kind of civilization will we develop there?

I do not know where I want to go with this post. But these were just few of those random questions and ideas one gets :-)


EntrepreneurNI said...

Very interesting.

We will survive. The second step towards expanding our race has already been inititated. By 2024 we should have a base on moon and then further on.

Remnnats of each civilization remain. that wont be tough. WHo knows, someone mugth retrieve a server with this very blog on the computer.

Sigma said...

Hmmm ... true - the question is - are we civilized ?